Monday, 28 September 2009

Polanski is Detained - AND ABOUT FUCKING TIME!

In 1977, Roman Polanski – then aged 42 – had sex with a girl of 13. He has now been detained in Switzerland under an international warrant, some 32 years after the offence. The reactions have been odious…Polanski was "thrown to the lions," said French Culture Minister Frederic Mitterrand. "In the same way that there is a generous America that we like, there is also a scary America that has just shown its face." Whaaat! This fuck had sex with a young girl, barely old enough to enter secondary school. French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said he hoped Polanski could be quickly freed by the Swiss, calling the apprehension a "bit sinister." Jesus Christ! What would the reactions have been had the young girl in question been their daughter. Somewhat different I would say and fervently hope.
Simply because Polanski is a film director of considerable note and talent, he appears, somehow, to be a special case. Had the offender been a working class nobody, the reactions would have been inevitably grossly different. Regardless of his fame, talent, riches and friends in high places, he is STILL a sickening, disgusting pervert.
Keep the bastard detained and have him extradited to the US. I hope that Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton, does not bend to the warped, collective wills of those Poles and French who seek to have the pervert Polanski treated as some sort of hallowed person who does not deserve the justice meted out to other lesser-known evil sickos.

Saturday, 5 September 2009


Why is it that practically everything intended for human consumption carries a long and and comprehensive list of ingredients, yet cigarettes and tobacco don’t. We’re bombarded with information regarding the dangers of smoking, yet we really don’t know what’s filling our lungs. Sure, we’ve seen the gory and explicit photos of what smoking can do to our organs…so, why no list of ingredients?